
[SOLID] Seamless Online Learning Integrated Discussion

在線上學習環境中,討論式教學法是一項常被教學者採用的教學策略。線上討論包含同步討論與非同步討論。經由相關文獻探究可知,同步討論與非同步討論都各自有其優點與限制,但卻較少文獻討論整合兩種討論機制的環境架構以及學習歷程的研究議題。其次,將線上學習社群架構在其本身日常生活中的網路社群中,可以促進學習動機與成效。因此,本研究團隊開發結合常用之同步討論工具(MSN Messenger)與非同步討論環境(Facebook Group)的”Seamless Online Learning Integrated Discussion (SOLID)”無接縫系統。

In online learning environments, discussion teaching methods, which are often used as an interactive teaching strategy by instructors, include synchronous and asynchronous discussions. Related literature shows that synchronous and asynchronous discussion methods have different advantages and disadvantage, but very little literature focuses on the environmental framework of integrating the two discussion devices, as well as the research topics of the learning process. Secondly, the online learning community structure in the everyday Internet community can enhance motivation and effectiveness in learning. Therefore, our research group will attempt to develop the ‘Seamless Online Learning the Integrated Discussion (SOLID)’ system that integrates the commonly-used synchronous discussion device (i.e., MSN Messenger) and the asynchronous discussion environment (i.e., Facebook Group).

[CCMS] Collaborative Concept Mapping System 
