
吳聲毅 助理教授
Assistant Professor, Sheng-Yi Wu

Email: digschool@gmail.com

[簡歷/Short Biography]
Sheng-Yi Wu received the M.S. degrees in Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education from National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan, and Ph.D. degree in Graduate Institute of Network Learning Technology from National Central University, Taiwan. After graduation, he served as postdoctoral researcher at Research Center for Science and Technology for Learning, National Central University and Aim for the Top University Project Office, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan. He is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Science Communication, National Pingtung University, Taiwan. His current research interests focus on social interaction, human-computer interaction, computer-supported collaborative learning, and science communication.

國立中央大學 National Central University
網路學習科技研究/博士 Ph.D., Graduate Institute of Network Learning Technology
國立高雄師範大學 National Kaohsiung Normal University
資訊教育研究所/碩士 M.S., Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education
世新大學 Shih Hsin University
資訊管理學系/學士 B.S., Department of Information Management

1. ACA (Adobe Certified Associate) –Rich Media Communication using Adobe Flash CS6 (2D動畫)
2. ACA (Adobe Certified Associate) –Visual Communication using Adobe Photoshop CS6 (影像處理)
3. ACA (Adobe Certified Associate) –Web Communication using Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 (網頁製作)
4. CIW(Certified Internet Webmaster) – Web Professional (網頁製作專家)

5. HP ATA (HP Accredited Technical Associate) – Connected Devices (連結設備工程師)
6. HP ATA (HP Accredited Technical Associate) – Networks (網路工程師)
7. HP ATA (HP Accredited Technical Associate) – Servers and Storage (雲端機房工程師)
8. HP Accredited Technical Associate (HP ATA) – Cloud (雲端顧問師)
9. HP Accredited Technical Associate (HP ATA) –IT Architect (科技管理建構師)
10. 電腦技能基金會– 企業電子化規劃師-雲端服務規劃
11. CompTIA Security+ ce (資訊安全)

12. IC³ (Internet and Computing Core Certification) –GS3 (Computing Fundamentals, Key Applications and Living Online) (基礎電腦能力)
13. HP Accredited Technical Associate (HP ATA) –IT for Business (商業科技管理分析師)
14. CIW(Certified Internet Webmaster) – E-Commerce Technical Engineer (電子商務技術工程師)
15. 電腦技能基金會– TQC電子商務概論 專業級
16. 電腦技能基金會–企業電子化助理規劃師
17. 中華民國企業資源規劃學會–商用雲端APP基礎證書

18. WSET® (英國葡萄酒與烈酒教育基金會) Level I葡萄酒品酒認證基礎證書
19. CIIP 文創產業經營管理師 (CCIMM) 專業級/甲級
20. CIIP會議展覽管理師 (CEMM) 專業級/甲級
21. CIIP觀光顧客關係管理師 (TCRMM) 專業級/甲級
22. CIIP觀光行銷管理師 (TMKTM) 專業級/甲級
23. 矩陣管理顧問有限公司–消費者行為分析師

24. 三星統計服務有限公司–調查與研究方法分析師